Reflection on Holy Week: A Devotional Journey
Introduction:Welcome to our devotional series on “Reflection Holy Week” – a hallowed period in the Christian liturgical calendar that signifies the last week of Jesus’ mortal existence before his crucifixion and resurrection. This week calls for deep contemplation and Reflection on Holy Week as we delve into the events that led to Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Throughout this series, we’ll illuminate the significant events of Holy Week, drawing upon relevant biblical passages and offering reflective insights on their contemporary relevance and significance. May we unite in prayerful introspection as we traverse the path toward the cross.
Day 1: Palm Sunday
Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
Matthew 21:1-11
Reflection on Holy Week. In Matthew 21:1-11, we see Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, which marks the beginning of Holy Week. The people recognized Jesus as their king and welcomed him with shouts of “Hosanna!” and waving palm branches. Jesus’ entry on a donkey was a fulfillment of the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9, which said that the Messiah would come riding on a donkey.
This event reminds us to recognize Jesus as our King and Savior. Remember always to honor and worship him, as the people did during his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Just as the people recognized Jesus as their King and welcomed him into Jerusalem, we must also welcome him into our hearts and lives. We must submit to his will and acknowledge his authority over us.
How can you “delight in the law of the Lord” and meditate on it day and night?
What areas of your life do you feel like you are currently “planted by streams of water”?
How can you bear fruit in those areas of your life and bring glory to God?
Take Action:
Throughout the day, consciously acknowledge Jesus’ authority over your life. Before making any significant decisions, take a moment to pray and ask for His guidance.
Dear Lord, as we reflect on Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, we are reminded of the importance of recognizing Jesus as our King and Savior. Please help us welcome him into our hearts and lives, submit to his will, and acknowledge his authority over us. May we always honor and worship him, just as the people did during his Triumphal Entry. We pray for the strength and courage to follow Jesus and live a life reflecting his love and grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Day 2: Monday
Cleansing of the Temple
In Matthew 21:12-17, we see Jesus entering the temple and becoming upset with the people buying and selling goods in what should have been a holy place of worship. He drove them out, overturning tables and chairs and declaring that the temple was meant to be a house of prayer, not a den of thieves. This decisive moment reminds us of the importance of respecting and honoring God’s holy places and spaces.
As Christians, we are likely familiar with the importance of treating our churches with reverence and respect. This passage reminds us that our worship spaces are not just physical buildings but places where we connect with God and offer our devotion to Him. Let us remember to approach our places of worship with a heart of reverence and humility, recognizing the holy presence of God in our midst. May we never take for granted the privilege of gathering as a community of believers, and may our worship reflect our honor and respect for our God.
- How can we cultivate a heart of reverence and humility when we enter a place of worship?
- How can we demonstrate respect for God’s holy places and spaces beyond just physical buildings?
- How can we ensure that our worship reflects our honor and respect for God rather than just going through the motions?
Take Action:
Evaluate your worship today and ensure it reflects your honor and respect for God. Avoid going through the motions and instead offer your worship wholeheartedly and intentionally.
Dear God, we come before you with humble hearts, recognizing the importance of honoring your holy places and spaces. Help us approach our places of worship with reverence and respect, remembering that they are not just physical buildings but places where we connect with you. May our worship be a genuine reflection of our honor and care for you, and may we never take the privilege of gathering as a community of believers for granted. Thank you for your presence in our midst and the opportunity to offer our devotion to you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.”
Day 3: Tuesday
Teachings in the Temple
During Holy Week, Jesus answered a political question about paying taxes to Caesar with his famous statement, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and God what belongs to God.” This statement reminds us to recognize the authority of earthly governments while remaining loyal to God above all else, balancing our earthly and heavenly responsibilities.
Jesus also used this opportunity to teach about the greatest commandment, emphasizing the importance of loving God and our neighbors as ourselves. Living following God’s principles, prioritizing love and compassion towards others, and fulfilling our earthly obligations as responsible citizens are crucial.
As we reflect on Jesus’ response during Holy Week, let us balance our earthly and heavenly responsibilities, prioritize the love of God and others, and fulfill our duties as responsible citizens while living according to God’s principles. Doing so upholds Christian ethics and morality and honors Jesus’ teachings.
- How can we balance our responsibilities as citizens of our country with our duties as followers of Christ?
- How can we prioritize the love of God and others in our daily lives?
- How can we follow God’s principles while fulfilling our earthly obligations?
Take Action:
Today, let us intentionally focus on loving and serving those around us as a practical expression of our love for God.
Dear God, as we reflect on Jesus’ response during Holy Week, help us to navigate the complexities of balancing our earthly and heavenly responsibilities. Guide us to prioritize love and compassion towards others, fulfill our duties as responsible citizens, and remain loyal to You above all else. May we live according to Your principles and honor Jesus’ teachings in all we do. Amen.
They said, “Caesar’s.” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Day 4: Wednesday
Betrayal by Judas
The passage highlights the moment when Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. This event shows the temptation to prioritize material wealth over loyalty to God, leading to tragic consequences. Judas’ actions ultimately led to Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, revealing the human inclination to turn away from God. However, the event also underscores the power of divine sovereignty to use even the most tragic moments for his redemptive purposes.
The betrayal serves as a reminder of the importance of remaining faithful to God and resisting the lure of material possessions and worldly acclaim. As Christians, we must follow God’s will and purposes to resist temptation and remain faithful to Him in all circumstances. Even in the darkest moments of our lives, we can take comfort in knowing that God is in control and working towards our ultimate redemption. Let us reflect on this event during Holy Week and recommit ourselves to living a faithful and obedient life.
- What material possessions or worldly pursuits might tempt you to prioritize them over your loyalty to God?
- How can you resist these temptations and commit yourself more fully to following God’s will and purposes?
- How have you seen God use even the most tragic moments for His redemptive purposes in your life or the lives of those around you?
Take Action:
Spend time in prayer, asking God to reveal any areas in your life where you may be prioritizing material possessions or worldly acclaim over your loyalty to Him. Ask for His strength and guidance to resist these temptations and commit yourself fully to His will and purposes.
Dear God, we come to you humbly in response to the reminder of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. We confess that we, too, are often tempted by material possessions and worldly acclaim, and we ask for your strength to resist these temptations and remain faithful to you in all circumstances. Please help us to prioritize your will above all else and to trust in your sovereignty, even in the darkest moments of our lives. Thank you for the reminder that you can use even the most tragic moments for your redemptive purposes, and may we continue to seek your guidance and wisdom as we strive to live a faithful and obedient life. Amen.
and said, “What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?” And they paid him thirty pieces of silver.
Day 5: Maundy Thursday
Last Supper and Arrest of Jesus
The Last Supper is a crucial event in Christianity where Jesus had his final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. During the dinner, Jesus introduced the The Lord’s Supper, a way for believers to remember his body and blood. However, it was also when Jesus predicted that one of his disciples would betray him, which unfortunately came true when Judas identified him to the authorities for money.
After the meal, Jesus and his disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed intensely to God, asking him to take away his suffering, but ultimately submitting to his Father’s will. This event highlights Jesus’ humanity and provides an example for Christians to follow in their own lives.
The Last Supper is a reminder of the tragic consequences of human sin and the power of faith to overcome difficult circumstances. As Christians, we can use this event to reflect on our own lives, remember Jesus’ sacrifice, and strive to live according to his teachings.
- How does the Last Supper serve as a reminder of the consequences of human sin?
- How can Christians apply Jesus’ example of submission to God’s will in their own lives?
- How can reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice during the Last Supper inspire Christians to live according to his teachings?
Take Action:
Take time today to reflect on your life and examine areas where sin may be present. Confess these sins to God and ask for forgiveness.
Dear God, as we reflect on the Last Supper and the following events, we are reminded of the tragic consequences of human sin and the power of faith to overcome difficult circumstances. We thank you for Jesus’ sacrifice and the example he set for us to follow. Please help us examine our lives and confess any sins to you. May we remember Jesus’ body and blood through communion and strive to live according to his teachings. When we face difficult circumstances, may we pray to you for guidance and strength, submitting to your will just as Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Day 6: Good Friday
Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a significant event in Christianity that marks God’s plan to redeem humanity. Jesus was flogged, mocked, and crucified on Golgotha, making the ultimate sacrifice to forgive our sins and reconcile humanity with God. This fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, such as Isaiah 53, where a servant bears the punishment for the sins of others. Jesus suffered in our place, making it possible for us to be reconciled with God. As believers, we must reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice and show gratitude and deep respect, living our lives in a way that honors and glorifies God. Recognizing God’s love and grace towards us is essential.
- How does reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus make you feel, and how does it affect your relationship with God?
- What steps can you take to demonstrate gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross, and how can you glorify God through your actions?
- How can you deepen your understanding of God’s love and grace toward you by reflecting on the crucifixion of Jesus?
Take Action:
Take time to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice today. Read the accounts of the crucifixion in the Gospels or meditate on Isaiah 53. Consider the depth of God’s love for you and the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf.
Dear God, as we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the depth of your love and grace towards us humbles us. Thank you for making way for us to be reconciled with you through the sacrifice of your Son. Please help us to show gratitude and deep respect for this sacrifice by living our lives in a way that honors and glorifies you. May we seek to follow Jesus’ example of service, kindness, and compassion, and may we share the message of your love with those around us. Thank you for your mercy and grace, and may we never forget the sacrifice you made on our behalf. Amen.
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Day 7: Holy Saturday
Waiting in Hope
Holy Saturday is a time of reflection and waiting between Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb, sealed by a great stone, after Joseph of Arimathea requested Pilate’s permission to bury him. Jesus’ followers, including Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, were present at the burial. The significance of Holy Saturday lies in the waiting and anticipation of the promised resurrection, which reminds us of the importance of faith and hope in the face of adversity. It’s also a reminder of the power of the resurrection, which confirms the truth of Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and the fulfillment of prophecy. As we reflect on Holy Saturday, we should hold fast to the hope that comes from our faith in Christ and be grateful for his sacrifice.
- How does waiting and anticipating the resurrection on Holy Saturday deepen our understanding of faith and hope?
- In what ways can the power of the resurrection confirm our own beliefs and strengthen our faith?
- How can reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf inspire us to live our lives with gratitude and purpose?
Take Action:
Reach out to someone who may be going through a difficult time and offer them words of encouragement and hope, reminding them of the power of the resurrection.
Dear God, on this Holy Saturday, we reflect on the waiting and anticipation of the promised resurrection. As we wait in hope for the joy that comes with the resurrection, we are reminded of the importance of faith and hope in the face of adversity. We are grateful for the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, and we ask for your comfort and compassion for those who may be struggling during this time. May we hold fast to the hope that comes from our faith in Christ and be reminded of the power of the resurrection, which confirms the truth of Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and the fulfillment of prophecy. Amen.
And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him.
Day 8: Easter Sunday
Resurrection and Victory
Easter Sunday is a day of celebration for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which confirms his identity as the Son of God and fulfills prophecy. It’s the cornerstone of the Christian faith and provides hope that extends beyond this life. The resurrection demonstrated Jesus’ victory over death, providing a foundation for the Christian faith. As believers, we’re called to live a life of victory over sin and temptation through the power of the resurrection. Let us remember the importance of faith and the power of the resurrection to confirm our faith in Christ. This day brings joy and gratitude as we celebrate the fulfillment of prophecy and the victory over sin and death that Jesus accomplished through his sacrifice on the cross. May we be filled with hope for the future, and let us live our lives in victory over sin and temptation.
- How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ give hope beyond this life?
- In what ways does the resurrection of Jesus Christ provide a foundation for the Christian faith?
- How can we live our lives in victory over sin and temptation through the power of the resurrection?
Take Action:
Share the joy and hope of Easter with someone who may need to hear the message of Christ’s victory over sin and death.
Dear God, on this Easter Sunday, we thank you for the gift of salvation through the resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ. Please help us remember this event’s significance and live our lives in victory over sin and temptation. Fill us with hope for the future, knowing that we have the promise of eternal life through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. May we share the joy and hope of Easter with others and be a light in this world. Amen.
5 And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee,